Refund And Cancellation

Refund And Cancellation

All sales/ Bill Payments / Recharges are final with no refund or exchange permitted. Customer / Agent are responsible for the mobile number, DTH , utility identification number, details for Purchases/ Bill Payments / Recharges and all charges that result from those Purchases / Bill Payments / Recharges.

ABHIPAY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMTED ( ) is not responsible for any Purchase / Bill Payment / Recharges for an incorrect mobile number, DTH account number, utility identification number, 9.4 However, if in a transaction performed by Customer on the Site, Wallet and a Purchase / Bill Payments/ Recharges are not successful within 72 hours of their completion of the transaction, then Customer may inform us by sending an email to our customer services email address mentioned onthe Contact Us page.

Please include in the email the following details - the mobile number / DTH account number/Utility identification number / , operator name, and Order Number. ABHIPAY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMTED ( ) shall investigate the incident and if it is found that money was indeed charged to Customer's card or bank account or Wallet without delivery of the Recharge then Customer will be refunded the money within 21 working days from the date of receipt of their email. All Refunds will be credited to your Semi Closed Wallet.


Customer agrees that ABHIPAY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMTED ( ) in its sole discretion, for any or no reason, and without penalty, may suspend or terminate their account (or any part thereof) or their use of the Services and removeand discard all or any part of their account, Customer profile, or their recipient profile, at any time. ABHIPAY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMTED ( ) may also in its sole discretion and at any time discontinue providing access to the Services, or any part thereof, with or without notice. Customer agrees that any termination of their access to the Services or any account Customer may have or portion thereof may be effected without prior notice, and Customer agrees ABHIPAY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMTED ( ) will not be liable to Customer or anythird party for any such termination. Any suspected fraudulent, abusive or illegal activity may be referred to appropriate law enforcement authorities. These remedies are in addition to any other remedies ABHIPAY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMTED ( ) may have at law or in equity. Upon termination for any reason, Customer agrees to immediately stop using the Services. Any balance in your wallet, at the time of termination of service, would be refunded to you as per RBI guideline.